These resources can be used as part of your curriculum or encourage students to access them independently to cement their understanding of challenging topics. You may already be aware of online resources in your field that are even more important for helping students learn in remote or blended classes. If you know other useful websites, please contact us, so we add them to the list
Khan Academy: Videos and practice problems on math and science topics JOVE: Thousands of peer-reviewed video articles and experiments
Chemistry & Biochemistry
ChemEd Digital Library: Resources, models, and tools for chemistry MolData: An extensive list of web resources for organic chemistry Department: An educational software page maintained by the department
SOS Math: Article explanations for math-related concepts Patrick JMT: hundreds of video tutorials on math concepts including calculus, linear algebra, and differential equations Mission College Math Links: Links to various resources including equation solvers, videos, and lessons Wolfram Alpha: Computational knowledge engine for students Math Lab Handouts: Class-specific problem sets and conceptual handouts from the department
Physics & Astronomy
PhET: Interactive, hands-on simulations Open Source Physics: Online physics and astronomy models HyperPhysics: Explanations and diagrams on hundreds of physics concepts Star Walk 2: Mobile app to identify stars, planets, satellites, and constellations