Jonathan Blake, recipient of the college Alumni Achievement Award, will give a guest lecture on Thursday, October 17. Entitled “A Risk Manager’s Guide to a Faith Journey,” the lecture will take place at 11 a.m. in room 1170 of the Talmage Building. The public is invited to attend the event.
For over twenty years, Blake has been employed in a variety of actuarial roles. He is currently the Vice President and Lead Actuary at The Hanover Insurance Group. In this position, he assesses the financial strength of over three billion dollars in domestic reserve position. Blake is also a partner with the Personal, Commercial, and Specialty businesses units, where he helps units engage in profitable growth strategic initiatives.
Blake graduated magna cum laude with a B.S. and M.S. from the Department of Statistics in the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. He has previously worked in Ohio, Texas, and Massachusetts and served as present, vice president, and board member of the Casualty Actuaries of New England. He is currently a Fellow of the Casualty Actuarial Society and a member of the American Academy of Actuaries. Blake and his wife, Julia, have six children.
Each year, every college on Brigham Young University campus honors one alumnus or alumna with this prestigious award. Blake received the 2019 Alumni Achievement Award from the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.