Reports show that anywhere between 20% and 80% of all jobs are found through networking.
Although the number is probably somewhere in the middle, the fact is, networking is a very important part of your career search. Networking is about developing relationships or connections.
Networking can start from a casual or chance connection with someone, setting up an informational interview, or corresponding through emails or websites.
The Take a Cougar to Lunch (TACTL) program is a unique opportunity for students to meet and network with an alumni mentor in a friendly lunchtime setting.
Our database includes a list of BYU alumni who are willing to share their knowledge with students pursuing similar fields of interest. With years of valuable work experience, BYU alumni can be an incredible resource for students.
We encourage all BYU students to take advantage of this great mentoring opportunity.
Ask A Professional connects students with professionals who are interested in sharing their personal perspective on life in their chosen field and providing students experience and networking opportunities.
Students have the opportunity to have a one-on-one conversation with experts who have expressed a willingness to mentor students. Students have the option of exchanging emails or going to lunch.