We are in room N-181 of the Eyring Science Center. Our building is currently under construction and the easiest way to find us is by entering the ESC through the South doors or East loading dock.
Please call our front desk at 801-422-2674 if you are having trouble locating our office.
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Who is my advisor?
Brooke, Christin and Shane are our academic advisors. They advise for all majors, with the exception of education majors, who will be seen by Brooke.
We also have student advisors at the front desk, who can help with general questions and scheduling appointments.
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Do I need to set up an appointment to see an advisor?
Yes, you will need to schedule an appointment to see an advisor. Our office does not take walk-ins or same-day appointments. Please contact a student advisor to schedule an appointment.
Our student advisors at the front desk are also available during office hours by phone, email, chat, or in person to immediately answer any questions you might have!
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What does a student advisor do? How do I contact them?
Student advisors are our student employees who are stationed at the front desk. They are available during our office hours to answer any questions you might have and to schedule appointments with the advisors. They can help with major changes, graduation applications, substitutions, and more!
You can reach them at 801-422-2674, science.math.advisement@byu.edu, through the chat feature on our website, or by visiting N-181 ESC.
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Who do I talk to about internships or careers?
The Career Services office has career advisors that can help with job searching, finding internships, career exploration, and more, all in the field you are pursuing. Schedule an appointment with them by visiting their website.
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How do I change my major?
Submit a major change request on your MyMap page, then contact a student advisor. The student will evaluate your request and inform you of the next steps (if needed).
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My major requirements have changed. Can I redeclare or update my major?
If your major requirements have changed, please contact a student advisor to discuss which option is best for you.
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Can I add a double major?
If you are interested in adding a second major, you may submit a petition. To do so, you must fill out the double-major petition form and receive signatures from the advisor for your secondary major, the advisor for your primary major, and the Dean for your primary major.
Start the process by visiting the advisement center for your primary major. Then take the filled-out form and meet with your secondary major academic advisor. If the secondary major advisor approves the request and signs the form, then take the form to your primary major academic advisor. If the advisor and Dean of your primary major sign the form, the second major will then be added to your account.
Keep in mind that when you graduate, second majors will not appear on your diploma. However, they will appear on your official transcript.
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How do I add or remove a minor?
Minors can be added or removed by your primary major advisement center. If you are a CPMS major, contact a student advisor to request to add or remove a minor.
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I missed the graduation application deadline. Can I still graduate?
You must have an approved graduation application in order to graduate. However, if you miss the application deadline, it is not too late! Please contact a student advisor right away and they can manually apply you for graduation.
View the application deadlines (and other important dates) here.
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Can I request a substitution for a course in my major?
Students may request to substitute a course to use in place of a required course in their major or minor.
Please contact a student advisor for all substitution requests. The student advisor will evaluate your request and inform you of the next steps.
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How can I request a substitution for a GE?
The GE Office oversees all GE substitution petitions. You can submit a petition through https://gesub.byu.edu. It is highly recommended that you meet with your academic advisor prior to submitting the petition.
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Can I take more than 18 credits in the Fall or Winter semester (or more than 9 in the Spring or Summer)?
You may schedule an appointment with an advisor to discuss adding additional hours. If the advisor approves your request for additional hours, we can approve up to 21 hours in the fall/winter and up to 11 credits in the spring/summer. Requests to go above these credit hours must be petitioned through BYU Enrollment Services here.
Keep in mind that if additional hours are approved, you will not be able to register above the 18/9 limit until the first day of classes.
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I have a hold on my account. Can I remove it?
Holds are added for a variety of reasons. The most common holds are listed below.
Academic Improvement Plan (AIP): The AIP hold is placed by the Academic Support Office for students with Warning or Probation student standings. To remove this hold, fill out the AIP form at aip.byu.edu and then contact a student advisor to schedule an appointment with an advisor. You can read more about AIP holds here.
First-Year Writing (FYW): If students do not take the First-Year Writing GE requirement in their first two semesters, the FYW hold is put on their account. To temporarily remove this hold, please contact a student advisor. Note that if you do not register for a First-Year Writing course before the add-drop deadline, the hold will be reapplied to your account.
For information on other types of holds and who to contact, visit this website.
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How do I take a course without the prerequisites?
If you cannot register for a course because you have not met the prerequisite requirements, you may reach out to the professor of the course to request a permission-to-add code. Codes are given out at the discretion of the professor.
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Should I take CS 110 or CS 111?
CS 110 is designed for students who have little or no prior programming experience.
CS 111 is designed to introduce students to core ideas in computer science, including higher-order functions, object-oriented programming, recursion, trees, iteration, regular expressions, and formal grammar. CS 111 is the beginning of the Computer Science major core and is a prerequisite for most CS classes.
CS 111 is equivalent to CS 142. If you need to request a substitution for these courses, please contact a student advisor.
It can be difficult to know which math course to start with. For recommendations on which math course to take, visit this website.
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Is there a lost and found in your building?
Yes, the building Custodial Office does keep a lost and found. They can be reached at 801-422-9276 or N-102. Keep in mind that they will periodically take the items to the lost and found in the WSC.