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University Award Nominations

Nominations for university faculty awards must be made through the respective college, and each college is limited to one nomination per award. Our college uses a two-phase process (brief pre-nominations followed by invited full nominations) to select nominations to forward to the university.

Pre-nominations due to collegeDecember 15
Full nominations due to collegeFebruary 8
Full nominations due to the universityFebruary 15

If you feel a faculty member is worthy of recognition with one of these awards, please make sure to review the university's award descriptions to make sure they are a good fit for the respective award and review the college's additional eligibility requirements below, then discuss the pre-nomination with your department.

Department's should submit pre-nominations and later full nomination packets to

Qualifying College Awards

In addition to satisfying the university’s eligibility requirements for each award, nominees from our college are expected to have already received a college award in the corresponding area. That is, nominees for university teaching awards should have received college-level recognition for their teaching, nominees for scholarship awards should have been previously recognized by the college for their scholarship, etc.

Here are the specific requirements:

University AwardQualifying College Awards
Alumni ProfessorshipExcellence in Teaching Award
Mentoring Award
Karl G. Maeser Excellence in Teaching Award Excellence in Teaching Award
Early Career Teaching Award
Karl G. Maeser Research & Creative Arts Award Discovery Award
Early Career Scholarship Award
Karl G. Maeser Professional Faculty Excellence Award None (but preference given for any college award)
Abraham O. Smoot Citizenship AwardDistinguished Citizenship Award
Early Career Teaching AwardEarly Career Teaching Award
Early Career Scholarship AwardEarly Career Scholarship Award
BYU Class of 1949 Young Faculty AwardNone (pre-CFS preferred)
Phi Kappa Phi Faculty Award Excellence in Teaching AwardEarly Career Scholarship Award
Early Career Teaching Award
Mentoring Award
Distinguished Citizenship Award
Teaching and Learning Faculty Fellowships Excellence in Teaching Award
Early Career Teaching Award

Nominees for the university’s two highest awards (Karl G. Maeser Distinguished Faculty Lecturer, University Professorship), which recognize excellence in all areas by a senior faculty member, are expected to have previously received another university award. This has generally been the case for all previous recipients of these awards.

Other university awards related to contributions in specific ways are open to all qualified faculty without expectation of a previous college award. These include the following:

  • General Education Professorship
  • Wesley P. Lloyd Award for Distinction in Graduate Education
  • Adjunct Faculty Excellence Award

Exceptions to these requirements should be approved in advance by the Dean (Grant Jensen) or the Associate Dean for Faculty Development (Kevin Seppi). It is expected that some exceptions will be made as we transition to these new requirements, especially for college awards that have only recently been created (Discovery, Mentoring). Other exceptions will apply for those who have previously received a prior university award but not a college award, e.g. a past recipient of a university Early Career Teaching Award who has not been recognized by the college should be eligible for the Karl G. Maeser Teaching Award, and likewise for similar awards. We anticipate that these exceptions will be less commonly needed over time.

Nomination Procedures

In order to save everyone involved time preparing full university nomination packets for every potential nominee, the college requires a pre-nomination for each intended nomination. This pre-nomination should use the template for the respective university award and address the award criteria and aims questions (1, 2, and 3) as well as anything else to mention in part 4. Pre-nominations do not need to include the abbreviated CV or student ratings since the college has access to these this information already. Each department may nominate only one candidate for each award.

The deadline for pre-nominations is December 15 of each year.

After receiving the pre-nomination letters, the deans will identify which nominees they intend to put forward to the university. Departments will be notified as soon as possible which nominations will potentially be forwarded, at which time the respective nominators should prepare full nomination packets according to the university’s requirements.

Preparing University Nomination Packets

As of 2021 (for awards to be presented in 2022 and beyond), the university no longer requires letters from the department chairs or the college dean. Although the nomination packets generally focus on the specific areas of achievement to be recognized by the award, chairs should verify that the nominated faculty member is meeting or exceeding expectations appropriate for their current rank in all areas of responsibility.

Full nomination packets are due to the college no later than February 8. In some situations where the college solicits multiple full packets for an award, an earlier deadline may be requested in order to allow for final review and selection.

Nomination packets from the college to the university are due by February 15 at 5:00 p.m.