2007 University Awards - Computing, Math, and Science Skip to main content

2007 University Awards

Karl G. Maeser Distinguished Faculty Lecturer Award

Kening Lu – Mathematics

Professor Kening Lu is an internationally recognised expert in infinite-dimensional dynamical systems, a remarkably effective teacher, and a conscientious citizen of the university, the broader community, and his profession. The core of Dr. Lu’s research has been the study of structures called attractors, which dominate the solutions to many important differential equations of science. In addition to helping develop the abstract theory of invariant manifolds in this context, he has made substantial contributions to specific applications, inlcuding groundbreaking work on the theory of superconductivity. His recent focus has been on modifying the theory of dynamical systems so as to incorporate random effects in meaningful ways. His work, reflected in over 40 refereed papers, has received continuous funding from the National Science Foundation since 1992, and his is the recipient of the 2005 Distinguished Overseas Young Scientist Award from the National Science Foundation of China. Dr. Lu has done significant teaching at every level, from elementary school to doctoral education. He is cofounder of the Math Circle program at BYU, which provides enrichment activities for gifted elementary school students, and his BYU students overwhelmingly and enthusiastically praise his work in the classroom. Dr. Lu’ quiet and humble service is an inspiration to his colleagues.

Karl G. Maeser Excellence in Teaching Award

John D. Lamb – Chemistry and Biochemistry

A dedicated and vigorously innovative teacher and scholar, Dr. Lamb began using multimedia long before there were “tech” rooms-but he never let media get in the way of his interaction with students. He developed the interactive CD ChemTutor, his student study groups influenced its adoption in introductory chemistry classes, and he is now developing learning modules. Dr. Lamb has been an Alcuin Fellow and the Carnegie Foundation Utah Professor of the Year, and he received a Student Honor Association certificate for incorporating gospel principles in teaching. He established “Renaissance” luncheons for chemistry and has organized the GE Academy on Teaching and Learning. In class he makes frequent reference to literature, music, and are and s himself a talented artist. He is a model of lifelong learning.

Young Scholar Award

Karl F. Warnick – Computer Science

This ward encourages and acknowledges outstanding promise and contributions by faculty int he early stages of their academic careers.

Technology Transfer Award

Scott D. Sommerfeldt – Physics and Astronomy

This award recognizes faculty who have made significant research contributions that have led to the development of useful commercial products.

President’s Appreciation Award

Wayne D. Peterson – Physics and Astronomy

This award recognizes staff and administrative personnel for exceptional service, creativity, and competence.