Tips and resources for assisting instructors, helping students, and conducting research this semester.
For Teaching and Research Assistants
Assisting Instructors
Many instructors have commented that TAs have been crucial to helping their class’s COVID-19 transition. Here are some things you can discuss with your instructor as you prepare to be a TA this semester:
Instruction mode
Become familiar with your class’s instruction mode. Ask your instructor about your duties as a TA, given these instruction delivery changes.
Understand how your instructor wants to use technology in the classroom. Get to know the teaching platforms and software
you’ll be using. Consider rehearsing parts of a class period with your instructor so that you both know what to expect using the technology for
your course. Your instructor can give you specific tasks to help with class.
Here are some things TAs have done in the past that instructors found useful in the transition to online learning:
- Monitor Zoom’s in-meeting chat and alert your instructor about any unanswered student questions.
- Keep an eye on Zoom’s manage participants feature and look for raised hands or other reactions.
- Set up breakout rooms and polls beforehand, so they’re ready for spontaneous class activities.
- Help foster social distancing practices. If your class has an in-person component, help your instructor clarify expectations and remind students about social distancing guidelines.
- Help organize class materials on Learning Suite or Canvas so that they are easy to access and use.
Make a COVID-19 plan
Plan with your instructor for the chance that you, the instructor, or a student becomes ill with the virus. Be sure to plan for the possibility that the sick person may be too ill to work or study remotely.
Helping Students
More students will need TA guidance this semester as they navigate class changes and social distancing. Showing care for students and their learning will be a major focus of the university during this transition. Here are some ideas for how you can help:

Explain how the course will proceed

Clarify expectations

Be flexible with students, but set boundaries
It may be helpful to announce that you will answer emails at a particular time each day. You can also create a Google doc for frequently asked questions or set office hours at several different times to better accommodate all of your students’ schedules.

Contact students regularly

Let students know what kind of technology they need

Get feedback from students