Student Research Conference 2020 - Computing, Math, and Science Skip to main content

Student Research Conference 2020


On February 29, 2020, CPMS will be hosting the annual BYU Student Research Conference (SRC). The SRC is a half-day affair treating attendees to cutting-edge ideas in math and science, exciting door prizes, and—to top it all off—a pizza feast fit to feed over 600 hungry student researchers and faculty.

The SRC is open to undergraduate and graduate students alike, offering the opportunity to deliver 12- or 3-minute presentations about research they’ve been conducting on campus. While some students discuss their theses and dissertations, many others present the work they do as part of BYU’s mentored research program, a robust campus-wide initiative to get students involved in their fields outside the classroom. Whatever level the students may be in their education, the SRC prepares participants with the valuable presentation skills they will need in future studies or careers.

During SRC 2020, students will be able to present in a new, interdisciplinary category devoted exclusively to data science. Though the category may seem most pertinent to statistics majors who already have an emphasis in data science, many students outside the major use the tools of data science for their own research. Students with experience in data science-related methods like machine learning, artificial intelligence, and data mining are especially encouraged to enter the new category.