Electron density distribution imaging in colliding plasma bullets, Army Research Office
(2024 - 2025)
Ultracold Neutral Plasmas as High Energy Density Plasma Simulators, National Science Foundation
(2020 - 2025)
Laser-cooled ions in hybrid optical/electrical traps for studying collision physics in strongly-coupled plasmas, Air Force Office of Scientific Research
(2016 - 2019)
Collaborative research: Plasma physics at small Coulomb logarithms, National Science Foundation and Department of Energy
(2015 - 2018)
BYU CPMS Excellence in Teaching, BYU CPMS
(2014 - 2016)
Laser-cooling ions in an ultracold neutral plasma, National Science Foundation
(2014 - 2016)
Achieving higher Gamma in ultracold neutral plasmas, Air Force Office of Scientific Research
(2013 - 2016)
Best non-student talk, APS 4-corners section
(2015 - 2015)
Dynamics of ultracold neutral plasmas in the first 100 ns, National Science Foundation
(2010 - 2013)
National Science Foundation Research Award, "Non-equilibrium dynamics of ultracold neutral plasmas", National Science Foundation
(2006 - 2009)
Research Fellowship, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
(2005 - 2006)
National Science Foundation CAREER Award, National Science Foundation
(2000 - 2005)
Courses Taught
Matthew SchlittersMatthew MillerBen FarleyScott D BergesonChanhyun PakVirginia BillingsMatthew SchlittersScott D BergesonMichael S. MurilloChanhyun PakMatthew J SchlittersScott D BergesonRobert Tucker SprenkleScott D BergesonLuciano G SilvestriMichael S MurilloScott D BergesonRobert Tucker SprenkleMichael S MurilloLuciano G SilvestriScott D BergesonRobert Tucker SprenkleLuciano G SilvestriMichael S MurilloScott D BergesonLiam G StantonMichael S MurilloScott D BergesonMichael J WareJeremy E. HawkScott D BergesonScott D. BaalrudC. Leland EllisonEdward GrantFrank R. GrazianiThomas C. KillianMichael S. MurilloJacob L. RobertsLiam G. StantonTucker SprenkleAdam DodsonQuinton McKnightRoss Loren SpencerScott D BergesonAbdourahmane DiawMichael S. MurilloScott D BergesonQuinton McKnightScott D BergesonJustin B PeatrossMichael J WareQuinton McKnightAdam DodsonTucker SprenkleTyler BennettScott D BergesonScott D BergesonJustin B PeatrossMichael J WareMichaela KleinertM.E. Gold DahlScott D BergesonMary Eliabeth LyonScott D BergesonGus L HartM. S. MurilloMichael J WareScott D BergesonJohn EllsworthMatthew Russel GroesbeckJoseph Edward HansenLeland D. PaceJustin B PeatrossMichael S. MurilloScott D BergesonScott D BergesonMary Elizabeth LyonJustin B PeatrossNicholas George HarrisonDaniel Lee CrunkletonJoshua Mitchell WilsonStephen George RupperA. DiawM. S. MurilloMary Elliabeth lyonScott D BergesonM. LyonScott D BergesonA. DiawM.S. MurilloM LyonScott D BergesonScott D BergesonMorgan Lyon CottiM. S. MurilloScott D BergesonJ. F. HulbertM. Giraud-CarrierT. WallAaron R HawkinsJosh Hunter BlackH. SchmidtAlisa J. EdmundScott D BergesonMary LyonNicholas TaylorIouri KalinitchenkoPaul B. FarnsworthAlisa J. EdmundScott D BergesonMary LyonNicholas TaylorIouri KalinitchenkoPaul Burton FarnsworthNathan HeilmannJustin B PeatrossScott D BergesonScott D BergesonAdam A DenningMary A LyonFrancis A RobicheauxDaniel A. ThrasherMatthew BurbidgeMiriam N. CondeScott D BergesonMary LyonScott D BergesonDaniel A. ThrasherMatthew BurbidgeMiriam N. CondeScott D BergesonA. DenningA. BoothS. LeeM. AmonsonScott D BergesonA DenningA BoothS LeeM AmonsonScott D BergesonScott D BergesonF. RobicheauxScott D BergesonJustin B PeatrossN. J. EyringJ. F. FralickD. N. StevensonS. B. FergusonP FendelScott D BergesonT UdemT W HänschP. FendelScott D BergesonT. H. UdemT. W. HaenschJustin B PeatrossScott D BergesonN. KolachevskyJ. AlnisScott D BergesonT. W. HaenschT. WeeksM. HarrisonM. JohnsonAlexandre ShevelkoJohn EllsworthScott D BergesonMatthew C AsplundL. V. KnightE. A. CummingsJ. E. DailyDallin S DurfeeScott D BergesonJ. E. DailyR. GommersE. A. CummingsDallin S DurfeeScott D BergesonE. A. CummingsJ. E. DailyDallin S DurfeeScott D BergesonE A CummingsJ E DailyDallin S DurfeeScott D BergesonScott D BergesonRoss Loren SpencerE A CummingsM S HickenScott D BergesonT C KillianM J LimS KulinR DumkeScott D BergesonS L RolstonS KulinT C KillianScott D BergesonS L RolstonH M AndersonScott D BergesonD A DoughtyJ E Lawler
Scott D Bergesonrobert sprenkleadam dodsonquintin mcknight
Scott D Bergeson
Scott D Bergeson
Scott D Bergeson
Scott D BergesonMeredith E Gold DahlAlex EriksonDaniel Woodbury
Scott D BergesonDaniel WoodburyAlex Erikson
Scott D BergesonDaniel CrunkletonKyle SchneiderKade Bishop
Scott D Bergeson
Scott D Bergeson
Scott D Bergeson
Scott D Bergeson
Scott D Bergeson
Scott D Bergeson
Scott D Bergeson
Mary LyonScott D Bergeson
Nathan RockAbigail WillkinsScott D Bergeson
Paul Burton FarnsworthAlisa EdmundNicholas Roger TaylorMary LyonScott D Bergeson