Committee/Council Member, Io Mission Proposal Team (2018 - Present)
Committee/Council Member, Dragonfly Mission Team (2017 - Present)
Media Interview, Science Channel - How the Universe Works (2015 - Present)
Guest Speaker, Spacefest (2013 - Present)
Committee/Council Chair, NASA Mapping and Spatial Infrastructure Team Advisory Group (2016 - 2021)
Board Member, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory of the University of Arizona (2014 - 2021)
Media Interview, BYU Museum of Art - Sambunaris exhibit (2020 - 2020)
Courses Taught
Lauren SchurmeierAndrew J. DombardMichael J. MalaskaSarah A. FagentsJani RadebaughD. E. LalichSylvain Courrech du PontD. RubinC. NarteauM. LapotreM. DayP. ClaudinI. LivingstoneM. TelferJani RadebaughC. GadalA. GunnP. HespS. CarpyC. BristowA. BaasR. EwingG. WiggsAviv Cohen-ZadaRyan C. EwingJani RadebaughS. C. BrothersJ. EppsD. A. WilliamsP. SchenkJani RadebaughJonathon SevySamuel M HudsonSarah NaoneTheodore MorganBarry R BickmoreJani RadebaughLevi DeCrescenzoCassidy GroverSaul G. RamirezGus P WilliamsNorman L JonesDaniel P AmesJani RadebaughJani RadebaughD. WilliamsP. ByrneL. JozwiakY. LiuJani RadebaughJani RadebaughC. ChandlerJohn Henry McBrideThomas H MorrisC. NarteauK. ArnoldR. LorenzJ. BarnesA. HayesS. RodriguezT. RittenourJ. WynneJani Radebaugh20 other authorsS. RodriguezJani Radebaugh40 other authorsL. KestayW. JaegerJani RadebaughEric H ChristiansenMyron BestJani RadebaughC. HowettJani Radebaugh20 other authorsJ. BarnesJani Radebaugh30 other authorsS. MacKenzieJani Radebaugh20 other authorsC. HowettJani Radebaughal. etJani Radebaughal. etJani RadebaughCommittee MAPSIT SteeringS. Rodriguezal. etJani RadebaughA. SolomonidouA. Le GallM. MalaskaS. BirchR. LopesA. CoustenisS. RodriguezS. WallR. MichaelidesM. NasrC. ElachiA. HayesJ. SoderblomA. SchoenfeldC. MatsoukasP. DrossartM. JanssenK. LawrenceO. WitasseJ. YatesJani RadebaughJ. KeaneJani Radebaughal. etC. NixonJani Radebaughal. etM. MalaskaJani RadebaughR. LopesK. MitchellT. VerlanderA. SchoenfeldM. FlorenceA. Le GallA. SolomonidouA. HayesS. BirchM. JanssenL. SchurmeierT. CornetC. AhrensT. FarrC. A. WoodJani RadebaughJani RadebaughR. M. C. LopesM. J. MalaskaA. M. SchoenfeldA. SolomonidouS. P. D. BirchM. FlorenceA. G. HayesD. A. WilliamsT. VerlanderE. P. TurtleA. Le GallS. WallCassini RADAR TeamJani RadebaughCommittee MAPSIT SteeringG. T. NguyenJani RadebaughA. InnanenJ. E. MooresJani RadebaughR. DhingraJ. W. BarnesM. M. HedmanJani RadebaughS. MacKenzieet alJani RadebaughEric H ChristiansenB. BishopEleanor Shannon Neeley TassA. Le GallJ. W. BarnesR. C. LewisS. RodriguezS. RodriguezS. VinatierD. CordierN. CarrascoB. CharnayT. CornetA. CoustenisR. de KokC. FreissinetMarina GalandW. GeppertR. JaumanK. KaluousovaT. KoskinenS. LebonnoisA. Le GallS. Le MouelicA. LucasK. MandtM. MastrogiuseppeC. NixonJani RadebaughP. RannouJ. SoderblomA. SolomonidouC. SotinK. StephanN. TeanbyG. TobieV. VuittonJani RadebaughA. Solomonidouet alEric H ChristiansenMyron G BestJani RadebaughJani RadebaughMAPSIT Steering CommitteeJani RadebaughD. S. McDougallL. KerberJani RadebaughManuel BerrondoE. M. LenhartM. TelferJani RadebaughR. M. C. LopesR. HowellR. D. LorenzE. P. TurtleJani RadebaughS. MartinJ. KeaneJani Radebaughal. et Jani RadebaughM. W. TelferB. CornfordR. C. LewisJani RadebaughR HowellR. M. C. LopesJani RadebaughEric H ChristiansenB. SpilkerJani RadebaughM. TelferE. ParteliR. BeyerR. KirkJ. BarnesJani Radebaughal et.Jani RadebaughA. Lucaset alJani RadebaughA. SolomonidouA. Le GallM. J. MalaskaS. P. D. BirchR. M. C. LopesA. CoustenisS. RodriguezS. D. WallR. J. MichaelidesM. R. NasrC ElachiA. G. HayesJ. M. SoderblomA. M. ShoenfeldC. MatsoukasP. DrossartM. A. JanssenK. J. LawrenceO. WitasseJ. YatesJani RadebaughA. Solomonidouet alJani RadebaughR. M. C. LopesS. WallC. ElachiS. BirchP. CorliesA. CoustenisA. HayesJ. HofgartnerM. JanssenR. KirkA. LeGallR. LorenzJ. LunineM. MalaskaM. MastroguiseppeG. MitriK. NeishC. NotarnicolaF. PaganelliP. PaillouV. PoggialiS. RodriguezA. SchoenfeldJ. SoderblomA. SolomonidouE. StofanB. StilesF. TosiE. TurtleR. WestC. WoodH. ZebkerJ. BarnesD. CasaranoP. EncrenazT. FarrC. GrimaD. HemingwayO. KaratekinA. LucasK. MitchellG. OriR. OroseiP. RiesD. RiccioL. SoderblomZ. ZhangJani RadebaughMAPSIT Steering CommitteeJani RadebaughM MalaskaR. M. C. LopesA. G. HayesA. SchoenfeldT. VerlanderM. FlorenceS. BirchA. Le GallA. SolomonidouR. D. LorenzJani RadebaughR. D. DhingraJ. W. BarnesM H. HedmanJani RadebaughE. P. TurtleDragonfly Mission TeamJani RadebaughT. G. NguyenA. InnanenJ. E. MooresJani RadebaughD. S. McDougallL. KerberJani RadebaughJ. BarnesA. Le GallX. YuE. P. TurtleA. P. YingstS. MacKenzieS. HorstJ. LunineJ. JohnsonM MalaskaC. NeishS. RodriguezJani RadebaughR. HuangEric H ChristiansenJani RadebaughA. S. McEwenIVO Mission TeamJani RadebaughS. MacKenzieDragonfly Mission TeamJani RadebaughJ. RabinovitchL. KerberJ. M. SevyD. S. McDougallR. M. C. LopesM. J. MalaskaA. SchoenfeldA. SolomonidouS. BirchA. HayesD. A. WilliamsA. LeGallE. P. TurtleJani RadebaughJani RadebaughR. LorenzL. KerberL. BandeiraD. VazR. DameG. OriS. MacKenzieE. P. TurtleR. D. LorenzJ. W. BarnesJani RadebaughM. TrainerJani RadebaughR. M. C. LopesT. K. P. GreggA. HarrisP. ByrneL. KerberP. Mouginis-MarkJani RadebaughR. DameR. LorenzSamuel M HudsonJani RadebaughC. LewisB. BishopR. LorenzS. RodriguezC. NarteauJani RadebaughJani RadebaughA. SolomonidouA. CoustenisP. DroussartR. H. BrownN. AltobelliK. LawrenceS. RodriguezM. HirtzigB. SchmidtA. Le GallC. ElachiR. LopesS. WallM. MalaskaM. JanssenC. MatsoukasJ. SoderblomM. NasrA. SchoenfeldtJani RadebaughR. DhingraJ. BarnesM. HedmanJani RadebaughA. SolomonidouA. CoustenisP. DroussartR. H. BrownN. AltobelliK. LawrenceS. RodriguezM. HirtzigB. SchmidtA. Le GallC. ElachiR. LopesS. WallM. MalaskaM. JanssenC. MatsoukasJ. SoderblomM. NasrA. SchoenfeldtJani RadebaughR. M. C. LopesT. GreggR. HowellA. HarrisJani RadebaughC. LewisB. BishopEric H ChristiansenA. Le GallR. D. LorenzJ. W. BarnesS. RodriguezA. LucasJani RadebaughS. RodriguezS. Le MouélicJ. W. BarnesJ. F. KokS. C. R. RafkinR. D. LorenzB. CharnayC. NarteauT. CornetO. BourgeoisA. LucasP. RannouC. A. GriffithA. CoustenisT. AppéréM. HirtzigC. SotinJ. M. SoderblomR. H. BrownJ. BowG. VixieL. MaltagliatiS. Courrech du PontR. JaumannK. StephanK. H. BainesB. J. BurattiR. N. ClarkP. D. NicholsonJani RadebaughM. MalaskaS. RodriguezA. HayesR. LopesT. VerlanderS. BirchA. ShoenfeldJani RadebaughR. M. C. LopesM. J. MalaskaA. SchoenfeldA. SolomonidouT. VerlanderS. P. D. BirchA. G. HayesD. A. WilliamsE. P. TurtleJani RadebaughR. M. C. LopesM. J. MalaskaA. SchoenfeldA. SolomonidouT. VerlanderS. P. D. BirchA. G. HayesD. A. WilliamsE. P. TurtleJani RadebaughM. W. TelferE. J. R. ParteliR. A. BeyerT. BertrandF. ForgetF. NimmoW. M. GrundyJ. M. MooreS. A. SternJ. SpencerT. R. LauerA. M. EarlerR. P. BinzelH. A. WeaverC. B. OlkinL. A. YoungK. EnnicoK. RunyonJani RadebaughJ. F. BrossierS. RodriguezT. CornetA. LucasL. MaltagliatiS. Le MouélicA. SolomonidouA. CoustenisM. HirtzigR. JaumannAlex AhernJani RadebaughEric H ChristiansenRonald Albert HarrisJani RadebaughD. VentraR. D. LorenzT. FarrR. KirkA. HayesM. MalaskaS. BirchZ. Y-C. LiuJ. LunineJ. BarnesA. Le GallR. LopesE. StofanS. WallP. PaillouR. M. C. LopesM. J. MalaskaA. SolomonidouA. Le GallM. A. JanssenC. D. NeishE. P. TurtleS. P. D. BirchA. G. HayesJani RadebaughA. CoustenisB. W. StilesR. L. KirkK. L. MitchellK. J. LawrenceJani RadebaughR. M. LopesR. D. HowellR. D. LorenzE. P. Turtle.Z. Y-C. LiuJani RadebaughEric H ChristiansenC. D. NeishRonald Albert HarrisR. L. KirkR. D. LorenzT.J. SlezakJani RadebaughEric H ChristiansenP. PaillouB. SeignovertJani RadebaughS. Wall.Amanda O. HendersonEric H ChristiansenJani RadebaughAlex A. AhernJani RadebaughEric H ChristiansenRonald Albert HarrisJ. W. BarnesR. D. LorenzJani RadebaughA. G. HayesK. ArnoldC. ChandlerT. TitusJ. ZimbelmanJani RadebaughC. Cook-HallettJ. W. BarnesS. A. KattenhornT. HurfordJani RadebaughB. StilesM. BeutheD. NorthrupJani RadebaughR. D. LorenzB. BishopC. LewisEric H ChristiansenB. BishopJani RadebaughEric H ChristiansenC. LewisJani RadebaughR. LorenzP. PaillouD. NorthrupB. BishopJani RadebaughEric H ChristiansenA. AhernJani RadebaughE. H. ChristiansenJani RadebaughR. LorenzP. PaillouT. FarrAlex A AhernJani RadebaughEric H ChristiansenAmanda O. HendersonEric H ChristiansenJani RadebaughClayton K. ChandlerJohn Henry McBrideJani RadebaughThomas H MorrisJani RadebaughGregory T CarlingT. SaitoA. DangerfieldDavid Gordon TingeyR. D. LorenzR. M. C. LopesR. HowellS. DiniegaE. P. TurtleJohn Henry McBrideColby HazardScott Myers RitterThomas H MorrisDavid Gordon TingeyRobert William KeachJani RadebaughClayton ChandlerKarl ArnoldGene WolfeZac LiuJani RadebaughEric H ChristiansenJani RadebaughR. D. LorenzN. GasmiJ. W. BarnesG. G. OriDaniel R AllenJani RadebaughDenise Catherine StephensKarl ArnoldJani RadebaughEric H ChristiansenMegan C DeckerJani RadebaughEric H ChristiansenZac LiuJani RadebaughEric H Christiansen
Clayton K ChandlerJohn Henry McBrideJani RadebaughThomas H Morris