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Gary Lawlor

Associate Professor
Minimal Surfaces Research, Mathematics

237 TMCB - Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602


BS, mathematics, BYU, 1984
PhD, mathematics, Stanford, 1988
Instructor and assistant professor, Princeton University, 1988-91
BYU mathematics and math education, 1991 to present

Research Interests

Geometric optimization, especially multiple bubbles
The use of geometric optimization as a thread in the teaching of mathematics
The pursuit of simplicity and unity in mathematics

Teaching Interests

Proofs and analysis

Honors and Awards

  • Most read paper, American Mathematical Monthly (2022 - Present)

Courses Taught


Gary R Lawlor Gary R Lawlor Gary R Lawlor Gary R Lawlor Gary R Lawlor Gary R Lawlor Rebecca Dorff Jared Drew Johnson Donald Sampson Gary R Lawlor Rebecca Dorff Donald Sampson Brandon Wilson


Gary R Lawlor
Gary R Lawlor
Gary R Lawlor