David Allred - Computing, Math, and Science Skip to main content

David Allred

Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Research, Nanoscience and Industrial Physics Research, Physics and Astronomy

N265 ESC - Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602

Research Interests

Thin film Materials. Deposition and Characterization materials for far UV and Extreme Ultraviolet optics, Chemical Vapor infiltration of Carbon Nanotube forests, Mars Simulation Research, Spectroscopic ellipsometry to measure surface oxidation, MEMS, Uranium & Thorium thin films.

Teaching Interests

Advanced Physics Lab, Beginning Physics series (calculus-based) through modern physics, thin film phenomena, PS 100, Honors History of Civilization and special topics.



Honors and Awards

  • Alumni Professorship, BYU Alumni Association (2023 - 2026)
  • Best Paper Award, The Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters (2007 - 2007)
  • Alcuin Award, Award for Outstanding Teacher (2000 - 2000)
  • NSF Post-doctoral Energy-Related Fellowship, NSF (1976 - 1976)
  • Eastman Kodak Scientific Award, Eastman Kodak (1973 - 1973)
  • Danforth Foundation Fellowship honorable mention, Danforth Foundation (1971 - 1971)
  • NSF Pre-doctoral Fellowship, NSF (1971 - 1971)
  • Woodrow Wilson, Fellowship (1971 - 1971)


  • OSA: The Optical Society (2018 - Present)
  • Advance Laboratory Physics Association (2017 - Present)
  • American Association of Physics Teachers (2016 - Present)
  • SPIE (2016 - Present)
  • ID-UT section of the AAPT (2011 - Present)
  • Mars Society (1993 - Present)
  • SPIE: Soft X-ray Working Group (1987 - Present)
  • AVS: Science and Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing (formerly American Vacuum Society) (1977 - Present)
  • LUVOIR: Coatings Assessment Working group (2016 - 2022)
  • Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters (1995 - 2019)

Professional Citizenship

  • Grant Proposal Reviewer, External, NASA (2019 - Present)
  • Conference-Related Role, AVS (2014 - Present)
  • Board Member, Western Alliance to Expand Student Opportunities (1993 - Present)
  • Editor, Associate Editor, Journal of X-ray Science and Technolgy (1990 - Present)
  • Other, Referee (1978 - Present)
  • Member, LUVOIR report: Telescope Mirror Coatings Assessment subgroup (2016 - 2022)
  • Conference-Related Role, American Physical Society (2014 - 2015)
  • Grant Proposal Reviewer, External, NASA (2015 - 2015)
  • Grant Proposal Reviewer, External, NASA (2014 - 2014)
  • Grant Proposal Reviewer, External, NASA (2013 - 2013)
  • Conference-Related Role, Ut Academy (2001 - 2013)
  • Editorial Review Board Member, Optical Engineering (2006 - 2013)

Courses Taught


Alexandra K Stapley McFarland Sydney A Joshua J Vawdrey Osemudiamhen D Amienghemhen Kendall J Mitchell Takeo Sasaki David D Allred Walter F Paxton Manuel A. Quijada Javier G. Del Hoyo Luis V. Rodriguez-de-Marcos Edward J. Wollack Mateo Batkis Devin M. Lewis Tanner D Rydalch David D Allred Devin M. Lewis Tanner D. Rydalch David D Allred Luis Rodriguez de Marcos Manuel A. Quijada Javier del Hoyo Mateo Batkis SC Olsen David D Allred Richard R Vanfleet Scott Claire Olsen David D Allred Richard R Vanfleet Nathan D Powers J. Nicholas Porter Dallin S Durfee David D Allred Richard L Sandberg Abigail Mae Hardy Nicholas J Hartley Daniel Hodge Sean Sheehan Eric Christie Taylor Buckway David D Allred Michael J Ware Shiuhhua Chiang Alex Halavanau Hilary Tarvin Joseph Wunschel Yuming Xiao Paul Chow Arianna Gleason Ryan M Camacho Gary Walker Richard L Sandberg Joshua Vawdrey James Hamilton David D Allred Taylor Buckway Aaron Redd Devin Lewis Eric Gullikson Joshua Vawdrey Karine Marguerite Chesnel David D Allred Richard L Sandberg Aaron J. Thorum David Allred William Pitt Troy Munro Scott C Olsen Richard R Vanfleet David D Allred Robert Clinton Davis David D Allred Kenan Fronk Tanner Rydalch Devin M. Lewis David Dean Allred Jerry Goldstein D. L. Gallagher, Bill R. Sandel M. Davis P. Molyneux T Veach G. Fletcher Eric Gullikson David Windt David D D. Allred Robert Steven Turley Brian I. Johnson Tahereh G. Avval Robert Steven Turley Matthew Richard Linford David Dean Allred Devin M. Lewis Caleb Michael Plewe Alexandra Gallion Stapley Joshua J Vawdrey Robert Steven Turley David Dean Allred Samuel Merlin Hart Donavan K. Smith David Dean Allred David D Allred S Merlin Hart Donovan K Smith Scott C. Olsen Richard R. Vanfleet David Allred Robert Steven Turley Robert C Davis Erik B. Watkins Izabela Kruk Jaroslaw Majewski David Dean Allred Aaron Thorum Logan Page Troy R Munro David D Allred Zilong Hua David Hurley J. Colter Stewart Micah N. Shelley Nathan R. Schwartz Spencer K. King Daniel W. Boyce James W. Erikson David D Allred John S Colton Brian I. Johnson Tahereh G. Avval Grant T. Hodges Victoria Carver Karen Membreno David D Allred Matthew Richard Linford Brian I. Johnson Tahereh Gholian Avval Grant P. Hodges Karen Membreno David D Allred Matthew Richard Linford Brian I. Johnson Tahereh G. Avval Grant P. Hodges Karen Membreno David D Allred Matthew Richard Linford David D Allred Leoul E. Tilahun J. Gabriel Richardson Robert Steven Turley Joseph B. Muhlestein Benjamin D. Smith Margaret Miles Stephanie M. Thomas Anthony Willey David D Allred R. Steven TURLEY Nathan D Powers Dallin S Durfee David D Allred David D Allred Himkala P. Khanal Robert Steven Turley Michael Greenburg David D Allred Robert Steven Turley Dallin S Durfee Stephen Kotter Michael Carlson Nathan D Powers David D Allred David D. Allred R. Steven Turley Stephanie M. Thomas Spencer G. Willett Michael J. Greenberg Spencer B. Perry David D Allred Heming He Jaroslaw Majewski Peng Wang xiaodong Wen Kirk D. Rector Travis J Moore Matthew R Jones Dale Reif Tree David D Allred Lawrence K Barrett Dallin J Barton Steven G Noyce David D Allred Richard R Vanfleet Robert Clinton Davis David D Allred Heming He P Wang Jaroslaw Majewski M P Wilkerson Kirk D Rector Heidi M. Dumais Robert Steven Turley David D Allred B. Hicks Stephanie A. Getty David D Allred Robert Steven Turley David D Allred Anthony Willey Joseph Muhlestein Zephne Larsen


David D Allred Devin M. Lewis
Tanner D Rydalch David D Allred
Abigail Mae Hardy Daniel Hodge Taylor Buckway David D Allred Michael J Ware Ryan M Camacho Richard L Sandberg
Taylor Buckway Karine Marguerite Chesnel David D Allred Richard L Sandberg
Joshua Vawdrey David D Allred
Nathan D Powers David D Allred Richard L Sandberg
Devin M. Lewis Tanner Rydalch David D Allred
Scott C Olsen Richard R Vanfleet David D Allred Robert Clinton Davis
Tanner D. Rydalch Devin M. Lewis David D Allred
Kenan Fronk Devin M. Lewis David D Allred
David D Allred
Scott Olsen David D Allred Steve Turley Richard R Vanfleet
J. Nicholas Porter Julio Escobedo David A Allred Nathan D Powers Richard L Sandberg
Devin M. Lewis Caleb Michael Plewe Alexandra Gallion Stapley Joshua J. Vawdrey Robert Steven Turley David D Allred
S. Merlin Hart Donovan K. Smith David Dean Allred
Scott C. Olsen Richard R Vanfleet David D Allred Robert Steven Turley Robert Clinton Davis
Scott Olsen Richard R Vanfleet David D Allred Robert Steven Turley
Spencer King John S Colton David D Allred Gary Renlund Nathan Schwartz C Emma McClure James Erikson
David Dean Allred
David Dean Allred Lex Newman
Joseph Gabriel Richardson Manuel Quijada David A. Sheikh Javier G. Del Hoyo David D. Allred
Aaron Thorum Logan Page Troy Munro David D Allred Zilong Hua David Hurley
Brian I. Johnson Shania Chacon J. Tyler Youngbull Matthew Richard Linford David Dean Allred
Richard Cass Eion Hindsman-Curry Ryan Vanfleet Robert C Davis David D Allred Brian E Anderson Richard R Vanfleet
Brian Johnson David D Allred Tahereh G. Avval Grant Hodges Karen Membreno Matthew R. Linford
Matthew Richard Linford B I Johnson T G Avval G Hodges V Carver K Membreno David D Allred
Dallin S Durfee David D Allred Nathan D Powers
Nathan D Powers Dallin S Durfee David D Allred
David D Allred Dallin S Durfee Nathan D Powers
Michelle Nuttall Dallin S Durfee Nathan D Powers David D Allred
Jean-Francois S Van Huele John S Colton Heather Peterson
David D Allred Leoul E. Tilahun Joseph Gabriel Richardson Robert Steven Turley
Matthew Richard Linford B I Johnson T G Avval G Hodges K Membreno David D Allred
Matthew Richard Linford B I Johnson T G Avval G Hodges K Membreno David D Allred
John S Colton James Erikson Micah N Shelley James Colter Stewart Carrie Emma McClure Spencer King Nathan Schwartz David D Allred Gary Renlund
Spencer King John S Colton David D Allred Gary M Renlund James Erikson Carrie Emma McClure Nathan Schwartz Micah Shelley J. Colter Stewart
J. Colter Stewart John S Colton Nathan Schwartz Micah Shelley Spencer King David D Allred
Micah Shelley John S Colton David D Allred Gary M Renlund J. Ryan Peterson J. Colter Stewart James Erikson Spencer King Carrie Emma McClure
Nathan Schwartz John S Colton David D Allred J. Ryan Peterson J. Colter Stewart Micah Shelley Spencer King Daniel Boyce
Dallin S Durfee Nathan D Powers David D Allred
David D Allred Dallin S Durfee Nathan D Powers
David D Allred
David D Allred
Brian I Johnson David D Allred Matthew Richard Linford
Yhoshua Wug David D Allred Robert Steven Turley
Robert Clinton Davis Ryan Vanfleet David D Allred Richard R Vanfleet
Ryan Vanfleet R. C. Davis David D Allred R. R. Vanfleet
J. G. Richardson K. M. Wolfe M. D. Barona David D Allred Robert Steven Turley
Brian I. Johnson Matthew Richard Linford Robert Steven Turley David D Allred
J. Colter Stewart John S Colton Micah Shelley David D Allred
James Erikson John S Colton Gary Renlund David D Allred Micah Shelley J. Colter Stewart C. Emma McClure Spencer King
Nathan D Powers Dallin S Durfee David D Allred
David D Allred Yhoshua Wug-Jerez Robert Steven Turley J. Gabriel Richardson James Hamilton
David D Allred Himkala P. Khanal
J. Gabriel Richardson Jacob Siebach Kylie M. Wolfe Maximiliano D. Barona David D Allred Robert Steven Turley
David D Allred Robert Steven Turley
Dallin S. Durfee David Allred Nathan Powers Sarah Hill Mason Parkes Ethan Welch Stefan Lehnardt Jacob Fields A. J. Rasmusson
Micah Shelley John S Colton Gary M. Renlund David D Allred J. Ryan Peterson J. Colter Stewart James Erikson
J. Colter Stewart John S Colton Gary M. Renlund David D Allred J. Ryan Peterson Micah Shelley James Erikson
James Erikson John S Colton Gary M. Renlund David D Allred J. Ryan Peterson Micah Shelley J. Colter Stewart
J. Ryan Peterson John S Colton Gary M. Renlund David D Allred Micah Shelley James Erikson J. Colter Stewart
David D Allred
Micah Shelley John S Colton Gary Renlund David D Allred Ryan Peterson Colter Stewart James Erikson
David D Allred R. Steven Turley Stephanie M. Thomas Spencer G. Willett Michael J. Greenburg Yhoshua Wug-Jerez Spencer B. Perry
Dallin S Durfee David D Allred Nathan D Powers
Lex Newman David D Allred
David D Allred Dallin S Durfee Nathan D Powers
David D Allred Robert Steven Turley Stephanie Thomas Alexandra V. Davis Margaret Miles
Micah Shelley Ryan Peterson Gary Renlund John S Colton David D Allred
David D Allred Robert Steven Turley Spencer B. Perry Stephanie M. Thomas Spence G. Willett Michael J. Greenburg
Kenneth Hinton Nathan Hollingworth Richard R Vanfleet David D Allred
David D Allred Margaret Miles Stephanie M. Thomas Spencer Willett Michael J. Greenburg Alexandra Vance Robert Steven Turley
R. Steven Turley David D Allred Zoe Hughes Michael J. Greenburg
David D Allred Robert Steven Turley Margaret Miles Spencer Willett Stephanie M. Thomas Spencer Perry Michael J. Greenburg
Nathan D Powers David D Allred Dallin S Durfee
David D Allred Nathan D Powers Dallin S Durfee
David D Allred Nathan D Powers Dallin S Durfee
Dallin S Durfee David D Allred Nathan D Powers
David D Allred Dallin S Durfee Nathan D Powers
David D Allred Robert Steven Turley Spencer G. Willett Stephanie M. Thomas Michael J. Greenburg
David D Allred Robert Steven Turley
David D Allred
David D Allred
David D Allred
Jason Anderson Collin Brown David D Allred
David D Allred Kenneth Hinton Brandon McKeon
Lawrence Barrett Dallin Barton Robert Clinton Davis Richard R Vanfleet David D Allred
David D Allred Collin Brown Robert Steven Turley Jordan Bell Jonathon M Schuler
David D Allred
Richard S Hansen Ryan Badger David McKenna Brian D Jensen Richard R Vanfleet Robert Clinton Davis David D Allred
James Schwab David D Allred
Richard Scott Hansen David McKenna Brian D Jensen Richard R Vanfleet Robert Clinton Davis David D Allred
Brett Bostrom David D Allred Robert Steven Turley
David McKenna Richard S. Hanson Brian D Jensen Robert Clinton Davis Richard R Vanfleet David D Allred
Donavan Chipman David D Allred
Zephne Larsen David D Allred Robert Steven Turley
Thomas William Draper David D Allred
David D Allred
Adam Konneker David Wagner Richard R Vanfleet Robert Clinton Davis David D Allred
David McKenna David D Allred Robert Clinton Davis
Devon Mortensen Kristal Chamberlin David D Allred
Adam M Konneker David D Allred Robert Clinton Davis
Donovan Chipman David D Allred
Adam Konneker Nick Morrill David D Allred Robert Clinton Davis Richard R Vanfleet Stephanie Getty Yun Zheng